Archive for January 29th, 2010

Spring Cleaning a Little Early

Well this past week certainly has felt like spring (although today has returned to more winter like conditions) and that has been the subject of most of WorldPlay’s work for the past week. After our winter hiatus for the holidays, we now have the large responsibility of cleaning up the Wiki that we have set up and making sure we have everything organized in order to proceed with our research this semester. We will also be returning to all of our forums that we posted in last semester (approx. 89 I believe) in order to close out our topics with a final mention of initial results and findings, as well as a thank you to the community for all of their assistance with the project. I’m continuing to analyze question 4 data and will have more of that for you on Monday, as well as an update on what other questions I will be analyzing. Over the weekend we will be determining which researchers will be analyzing specific questions from the survey in order to tackle more information in a shorter time period.

One other thing I would like to mention is that we may be modifying the survey with some new questions, and possibly making a few more close ended questions. If you have any suggestions, please toss a comment our way. Happy Friday.